牌号 EFeMn-E
對應标準 AWS A5.13/A5.13M-2010
堆焊焊條規範 保護金屬電弧焊
Specification for Surfacing Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
歸類 合金鋼
标簽 鐵基堆焊焊條
說明 Characteristics. Deposits made with EFeMn series electrodes nominally contain 14% manganese, although they may vary from 12% to 21%. This is an amount sufficient to yield austenitic weld deposits. Austenite is a nonmagnetic, tough form of steel. To preserve the toughness, excessive heat must be avoided during welding. Stringer beads and a block sequence are recommended. The additions of other elements, such as 4% nickel, are made to give more stability to the austenite; chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium are also added singly or in combination of 0.5%–8% to increase the yield strength. Abrasion resistance is only a little better than that of low-carbon steel unless there has been sufficient impact to cause work hardening. As-deposited surfaces generally are no harder than HRC 20, but can work harden to HRC 55. Since deposits are difficult to machine, grinding is preferred for finishing.
Applications. These electrodes are used for the rebuilding, repair, and joining of Hadfield austenitic manganese steel. Ability to absorb high impact makes such deposits ideal for the rebuilding of worn rock crushing equipment and parts subject to impact loading, such as railroad frogs.
EFeMn-E 化學元素成分含量(%)
成分 C Si Mn P S Cr Ni 其他合計 更多
最小值 0.5 - 15 - - 3 - - Fe:餘量
最大值 1 1.3 20 0.035 0.035 6 1 1
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