牌号 EFeCr-E3
對應标準 AWS A5.13/A5.13M-2010
堆焊焊條規範 保護金屬電弧焊
Specification for Surfacing Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
歸類 合金鋼
标簽 鐵基堆焊焊條
說明 Characteristics. This family of electrodes deposits weld metal containing finely dispersed chromium carbides plus one or more metallic carbides (vanadium, niobium [columbium], tungsten, or titanium). The resultant deposits are not machinable, and maintain their hot hardness and abrasion resistance to 1200°F [650°C]. Deposits stress-relief check readily.
Applications. Equipment subjected to severe high stress abrasion combined with moderate impact may be surfaced with one of the specific grades. Selection of the specific grade will be dependent on local service conditions and the specific application.
EFeCr-E3 化學元素成分含量(%)
成分 C Si Mn P S Cr Mo W 其他合計 更多
最小值 5 0.5 0.5 - - 18 5 3 - Fe:餘量
最大值 7 2 2 0.035 0.035 28 7 5 1
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